How much do human errors in the workplace cost your organization?

How much do human errors in the workplace cost your organization?

How much do human errors in the workplace cost your organization?By: Bob Catinazzo
Published on: 18/10/2024

Are you struggling to get decision-makers in your organization to put proper (or any) focus upon improving “Human Performance” (HPI) and reducing “human error?”

Leading the way to a Culture of safety
The Battle from within

The Battle from within

The Battle from withinBy: Bob Catinazzo
Published on: 16/10/2024

As a Law Enforcement Leader, you are experiencing the most difficult and dangerous time in our country’s policing history.

Leading the way to a Culture of safety
Inspiring The Uninspirable

Inspiring The Uninspirable

Inspiring The UninspirableBy: Bob Catinazzo
Published on: 02/01/2020

For the past two years, I have traveled the country and presented to numerous organizations on the topic of leadership and culture change.

Leading the way to a Culture of safety