

PPI Principle-Based LEADERSHIP™ targets Human Performance as the CORE of all performance.

For a Downloadable Copy of Your PPI Leadership Opportunity Manifesto


  • How does PPI Principle-Based LEADERSHIP™ differ from other “Leadership Training”?

PPI Principle-Based LEADERSHIP™ targets Human Performance as the CORE of all performance.

The 'human' aspects within the spectrum of most other leadership training offers either a set of clichés or 'rules and tools' for 'fixing' people on one end, or complex and overwhelming psychology on the other. Neither generate sustainable impact. This is why you've likely seen many 'programs' come and go.

PPI Principle-Based LEADERSHIP™ offers simplicity on the FAR side of complexity. It provides tangible actionable (HOW TO) insights and strategies that have helped clients generate an unparalleled string of performance improvement successes for more than 16 years.

Through this approach you'll learn HOW to tap into and leverage positive aspects of human nature. By doing so, you'll tap into Team Member DESIRE rather than relying upon old-school attempts toward 'forcing' or 'policing' compliance. This is how you sustainably promote, support, and elevate motivation, accountability, and ownership. This is how you inspire Team Members to do 'right' things in 'right' ways for 'right' reasons (even when no one is watching). This is how you achieve SUSTAINABLE improvements in Reliability, Efficiency, Productivity, Safety, and Profitability.

No new 'rules'. No group hugs. No abstract theory.

PPI Principle-Based LEADERSHIP™ offers a simple, tangible, impactful approach for moving your team, business, or enterprise to function as One Team with One Goal having One Conversation

  • Who should attend PPI Principle-Based LEADERSHIP™ ?

  • Executives & Senior Leaders who are tired of 'shiny box' promises and 'check the box' Band-Aids for performance issues; who know in their 'gut' there must be a sustainable pathway for bringing the organization together as One Team.

  • Business Owners who would love to truly own their business (rather than having their business own them)

  • Managers seeking to elevate Team Member Engagement, Accountability and Ownership; who are tired of the need for continual 'policing' of choices, actions, and behaviors.

  • Supervisors who want to LEAD; who want to coach & mentor and build a true sense of "team".

  • Key Influencers (at any level) who grab the attention of (and tend to be followed by) others.

  • Why is this often referred to as a “learning experience”?

Those most likely to refer to PPI Principle-Based LEADERSHIP™ as an experience are its graduates.

All venues, whether Onsite, LIVE Virtual, or 24/7 Leadership are engaging and interactive- layered with exercises, self-assessments, entertaining (and fun) videos and anecdotes that facilitate high levels of awareness and understanding. The experience is heralded by many as, “the best ‘training’ they’ve ever had,” and even as "life-changing."

See Video Testimonials HERE.

  • Are Professional Development Hours (PDHs) and Certifications available for completion of
    PPI Principle-Based LEADERSHIP™?


Upon successful completion of PPI Principle-Based LEADERSHIP™ and passing the Online Exam, participants are eligible for up to (16) Professional Development Hours (PDH), as well as to receive the Professional Designation/Certification of "HPL" (Human Performance LEADER).

These are awarded upon request by the international not-for-profit Human Performance Association.

  • What’s the tuition?

The cost per participant varies depending upon your venue (Onsite, LIVE Virtual, or 24/7 Leadership) and any associated Implementation Plan.

For the 24/7 Online Leadership tuition (including multiple-participant discounts) GO HERE

​For Onsite or LIVE Virtual Sessions use the Information Request Form below or

  • How can I get more information?

Simply complete the form below or give us a call. We’ll happily answer any questions you might have.

Let us know how we can help...

Get In Touch...


Phone: +1 (702) 331-8391


2780 South Jones Blvd. Suite 3722

Las Vegas, Nevada 89146

Assistance Hours (US eastern time):

MON-FRI: 9:00 AM- 5:00 PM

SAT/SUN: Leave a message

We look forward to serving you!

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