Introducing your turn-key SOLUTION...
Tim Autrey... (Download Videos)
In each ~6-minute video, Tim Autrey, Founder & CEO of PPI, covers the basis for and important aspects of the associated POWER TOOL. This sets the stage for you to then ENGAGE your Team Members through quality discussion and interaction. A separate downloadable video is provided for each POWER TOOL.
Team Briefing Leader's Guide
A Facilitator/Leader's Guide is provided for each POWER TOOL. These Guides identify recommended materials & resources, as well as the suggested flow of presentation & interaction for achieving maximum ENGAGEMENT and IMPACT with your Team.
Team Briefing PowerPoints
A separate downloadable PPT is provided for each POWER TOOL. The Turn-Key PowerPoints (PPTs) have been professionally designed to promote ENGAGEMENT and a flow of information that maximizes LEARNING & IMPACT. Each PPT includes Speaker Notes, a TOOL-Specific animated video, TOOL highlights from the APP/Handbook, and a Question & Discussion Point slide.
Founder of PPI, Tim Autrey has dedicated his professional life to helping make our world BETTER and SAFER by helping others focus on the core of sustainable improvement.
If you're new to Principle-Based Performance Improvement™, Tim's books offer a great beginning to your journey...
2780 South Jones Blvd. Suite 3722
Las Vegas, NV 89146
Phone: +1 (702) 331-8391