Bob Catinazzo

Executive Vice President- Client Services

Cell: (203) 738-8466

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Bob Catinazzo is a recognized expert in Human Performance Improvement, Error Reduction, and Culture Transformation. He has a Bachelor of Science Degree from American International College and a Master of Science Degree from Southern Connecticut State University.

Bob is a 20 + year veteran of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). Since his retirement in 2015, he has served the Practicing Perfection Institute (PPI) as a Master Facilitator and Executive Vice President of Client Services.

In addition to serving as a Supervisory Special Agent with the DEA, Bob spent years training recruits, special agents, and supervisors to perform at elite levels physically, emotionally, and tactically in the world's most demanding environments.

His federal law enforcement experience allowed him to lead, coach, and train law enforcement officers in over 12 countries on four different continents. Before joining the DEA, he was a highly successful claims investigator for a Fortune 500 company and Division II college football athlete and coach.

Through his federal law enforcement and professional experience, Bob shares a unique perspective and mindset on human performance improvement and organizational change. A lifelong athlete, Bob has an unbridled passion for understanding how the physical and mental dynamics of individual behavior impact team culture and performance. He passionately conveys the value of leadership and critical decision-making in a systematic approach to reducing human error and transforming culture, with the ultimate purpose being to produce exceptional safety results.

One PPI client put it best, "Bob isn't just teaching a course. His goal is to change lives and companies, and it is obvious how he teaches and brings his life's experiences into the curriculum. It is not just class; it is an adventure."

As Executive Vice President within PPI, Bob has primary responsibility for developing Client relationships. In addition, he remains “on the road” a bunch, using his passion to help Leaders and their Teams understand and apply Principle-Based insights, strategies, and tactics for rapidly & sustainably improving performance.

Bob is a Master PPI Facilitator as well as Conference and Keynote presenter. He continues to deliver energy-packed courses & presentations to Senior Leaders, Front-Line Leadership, and “in-the-trenches” Team Members across all types and sizes of organizations.

Bob’s Certifications include…• Certified as a DEA Tactical Instructor in July 2000• Certified as a DEA Defensive Tactics Instructor in June 2000• Certified in the DEA Instructor Development Course 2002• Certified in the principles of Force Science in February 2012• Achieved Practicing Perfection® Certified (PPC) status in November 2014• Certified as a PPI Master Facilitator in September 2015

Bob’s Awards include…• DEA Administrators Award for Outstanding Group Achievement - One• DEA Exceptional Performance and Special Act Awards - Nine• DEA Outstanding Public Service and Contribution Awards - Two• DEA Letters of Commendation - Five

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