It’s pretty darn tough (if not impossible) 

to plot an efficient pathway 

to your desired destination

without knowing your starting point.

Our Culture & Effectiveness Assessment Solutions 

provide AWARENESS of your current Cultural State- 

your Strengths and…your not-so-strengths.

Through assessment & analysis, 

we’re able to draw Conclusions PPI website footer

and provide Recommendations 

for the fastest, most efficient, most sustainable path 

to your next level of performance (and beyond).

Because of our experience base in Human Performance 

and our use of proprietary technology, 

we are able to provide insights you need 

much more rapidly and at much less cost 

than conventional ‘old-school’ consulting approaches...

The PPI Culture Profile assesses your Work Culture in the (5) key areas directly responsible for creating your current Performance Levels, Outcomes, & RESULTS...
  • Systems & Structures
  • Ownership 
  • Openness & Awareness
  • ​Error-Likely Environment
  • ​Willingness to Learn & Improve
The PPI Culture Profile is thorough. 

It's quick. 

It’s surprisingly affordable. 

And the insights you’ll gain? Priceless.

The Targeted Organizational Risk & Opportunity Identification (TOROID™) Assessment is driven by a fundamental truth: the majority (up to 94%) of mistakes made by your Team Members are directly ‘set up’ by process, programmatic, and/or organization issues.
This Assessment identifies acute issues. It provides a ‘quick look’ at how your current programs, processes, and structures are impacting the choices, actions, & behaviors of your Team Members.
The TOROID™ Assessment is Solution-Focused. Rather than delving into detail regarding ‘how things got the way they are’, it isolates issues and provides specific recommendations for moving forward.