Error Reduction Tools™ Leader's Guide

Your companion to the Tools Handbook/App, the Leader's Guide provides the insights you need, including rollout of the Error Elimination Tools™, specific behaviors to observe, and methods for inspiring your team members to use them (even when no one's watching).

HOW to LEAD in a way that

Virtually Eliminates Human Error...


The Error Elimination Tools™ have proven to greatly reduce the incidence and severity of human error
when used.

The key is getting people to…use them.

The Practicing Perfection® Error Elimination Tools™ Leader's Guide provides a step-by-step roadmap for implementation, reinforcement, and support of the Error Elimination Tools™ within your organization.

It does so using the Practicing Perfection® approach; meaning- it details how to promote and support discretionary use of the Tools within your organization, rather than attempting to force “compliance”.

The Practicing Perfection® Error Elimination Tools™ Leader's Guide can essentially function as your turnkey solution to implementation and reinforcement of Error Elimination Tool™ usage within your organization.
It is recommended that every Supervisor (and above) within your organization be provided with their own copy of the Error Elimination Tools Leader’s Guide™. The Leader's Guide is a 146-page bound manual with full-color cover.

The Error Elimination Tools™ Leaders' Guide includes the following:

  • WHY the Tool is used

  • WHEN the Tools is used

  • HOW to effectively use the Tool

  • Observation & Coaching Tips

  • Specific Tool-related Behavior to watch out for

  • A flow-charted implementation plan, including initial rollout, as well as methods for ongoing support/reinforcement

  • Roles and Responsibilities of key organization members relative to sustainable use of the Tools

  • Detailed guidance for each of the Error Elimination Tools including:

  • An additional set of Manager Tools for maximizing Manager effectiveness in support of the Tools

  • An additional set of Supervisor Tools for maximizing Supervisor effectiveness in support of the Tools

  • Sample forms/checklists, including:

  • Pre-Job Briefing Checklist

  • Observation/Coaching Card

  • Post-Job Critique

  • Glossary of Terms

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Founder of PPI, Tim Autrey has dedicated his professional life to helping make our world BETTER and SAFER by helping others focus on the core of sustainable improvement.

If you're new to Principle-Based Performance Improvement™, Tim's books offer a great beginning to your journey...