
Human & Organizational Performance


Subject Matter Expert (SME)

Learn how to leverage the

7 Natural Principles of Human Performance

to quickly and sustainably improve

Safety, Reliability, Efficiency, Productivity, and Profitability.

EVERYTHING you need to become

a true EXPERT in Principle-Based

Human & Organizational Performance Improvement

Acquire Your

Principle-Based Performance™



Registering 3 or More???

Is your organization sending

3 or more participants?

Register 3 for the price of 2!!!

Student or Non-Profit?

Students and representatives

from not-for-profit organizations

are eligible for 50% scholarships!

Wondering whether

PPI Certification

and the SUMMIT

are for you?


"What I got was pretty much what I learned while earning my Masters Degree in Organizational Leadership, but synthesized in three days."

Alina Ortega Bustamante

Senior Organizational Development

Consultant- Austin Energy

Focusing on a handful of Natural Principles

eliminates complexity while leveraging

positive aspects of human nature to generate

RAPID improvements that LAST...

The 7 Natural Principles of Human Performance

HOWEVER...before reading any further, there are 2 common types of practitioners you should be aware of...

Technocrats: those who focus primarily (or exclusively) on dissection and interpretation of historical after-the-fact metrics and trends, often succumbing to 'analysis paralysis' (also known as- anal occulitis).

Zealots: those who passionately latch onto "latest & greatest" programs and 'shiny boxes' while abandoning 'the previous thing,' that is...until the next shiny box rears its head.

Now that I've laid this on the table, if you've tended toward either of these, you need to leave such old-school habits FAR behind. And if you're new to Performance Improvement, FORGET about becoming either of them...

Technocrats & Zealots Should Be Extinct

If this seems harsh, consider where your Team Members, Clients, & Customers are coming from...

  • Most couldn't care less about their cognitive control hierarchy, the normalization of deviance, or the underlying intricacies of latent organizational weaknesses [for the Technocrats]

  • The ongoing 'fill & drain' of new programs- the latest sure-to-fix-every-problem program generates frustration, confusion, apathy, and ultimately...resistance. [for the Zealots]

  • Hearing redundant messages, such as 'hand safety training' for the 5th or 6th time, or "Don't forget to STAR" for the 47th time becomes meaningless drivel. [Definition of insanity anyone?]

  • More 'Rules' & 'Tools' are NOT the answer. [Once again- definition of insanity anyone?]

You're likely aware these old-school approaches no longer cut it, which is WHY You're HERE...

So then, WHAT is the SOLUTION?

Understanding & Synergizing Psychology and Technology...combining timeless wisdom with modern science and practical generate holistic WIN-WIN-WIN outcomes and results.

Otherwise known as...

Principle-Based Performance Improvement™ (PPI)

What exactly is "Principle-Based" Performance Improvement (PPI)?

PPI leverages Natural Principles to generate sustainable and continually improving WIN-WIN-WIN Outcomes & Results.

To get to the 'heart' of it...

What's the answer to this question?

"When will you, or I, 'right' things in 'right' ways...

when no one's watching?"

The answer is simple- only when we WANT to.

For example,

When will team members wear hearing protection (PPE) when no 'boss' or safety oversight is present? Only when noise levels are so high it causes physical pain, or when they consider it important to their long-term ability to hear. In other words...when they WANT to.


When will a team member, working alone, with no one else around, actively engage with triggers or thoughtfully self-check?

Only when they feel that it will help them do their job better and/or keep them safe. In other words...when they WANT to.

and yet another example...

When using equipment, making purchasing decisions, or expending resources, when will team members treat company property with thoughtful and conservative care?

Only when they feel a sense of ownership and accountability to their Team & Organization. In other words (you guessed it)... when they WANT to.

Flipping Your Approach 180-Degrees: Creating DESIRE...

Consider this- if someone pushes you, what's your natural reaction?

You push back!

This is the challenge with virtually ALL conventional (old-school) approaches for "fixing the people problem" in the workplace.

We tend to feel that since team members are receiving paychecks, they will “do what they’re told.”

The past 5 decades have proven that expecting people to 'toe the line' because, "We said so!" simply doesn't work.

Pushing on people in today's environment is about as effective as pushing on a rope. And it's only getting worse!

What's the alternative?

Creating work environments and cultures that are centered around the 7 Natural Principles, thereby filling natural human needs in a way that aligns personal motivations with desired organizational outcomes.

Such focus TRANSFORMS individual motivation, work environments, and ultimately…work cultures by inspiring team members to THINK different, FEEL different, and ultimately…to DO different.

The Transformation Framework

Achieving Rapid & Sustainable Performance Improvement...

As a leader at any level, successful efforts to achieve substantial and sustainable performance improvement must begin with YOU.

You must begin by transforming how you THINK and FEEL about your role, human nature, motivation, accountability and your approach toward inspiring others to do right things in right ways.

Once you've internalized a Principle-Based Mindset, you then begin to role model the behaviors you want to see in others (as Gandhi said, "Be the change you want to see in the world").

Then, to scale and rapidly multiply your efforts, you integrate the 7 Natural Principles into HOW you do WHAT you do within your role and through your interactions with others.

Whether your primary focus is to improve Safety, Reliability, Efficiency, Productivity, or profitability (or any combination of these), THIS is HOW you maximize your efforts: Transform yourself first, then inspire others to transform together.

You can spend YEARS of study and trial and effort to figure out HOW to put this together, OR you can take advantage of the lessons we've learned (in the field) over the past two decades across 5 continents and join me, Tim Autrey, as we roll up our shirtsleeves and dive into WHAT this is, WHY it works so darn well, and specifically...HOW to do it.

I'm currently only doing this once per year.

The GREAT news is, if the registration links on this page are still functioning, there are still seats available.

You can get ALL of this in ONE place in a SINGLE week...

PPI Human Performance

Certification SUMMIT

Your Once-Per-Year Opportunity to Learn DIRECTLY from me, Tim Autrey, the CREATOR of Principle-Based Performance Improvement™




The most coveted professional designation in the Human & Organizational Performance (HPI/HOP) Industry!

Our Next SUMMIT will be...

March 30-April 4, 2025

Raleigh, NC

Tim Autrey

This Learning Opportunity is hands down, the most comprehensive Performance Improvement Training in the industry today.

We begin by making sure you get crystal clear on the most important part of ANY effort to improve Performance: People.

And to do that, we kick things off by mastering (4) foundational topics:

  • PRINCIPLES vs Values - WHY this understanding & differentiation is essential in today's environment

  • The CORE of ALL Performance- WHAT to focus upon (and what NOT to focus upon)

  • Individual & Organizational Performance- HOW to powerfully INFLUENCE choices, actions, & behaviors

  • Overcoming Victimization- HOW to move yourself & others from feeling like victims to being Proactively Accountable

After we learn to THINK Different and FEEL Different, you'll then learn HOW to DO Different as we take an in-depth look at the core competencies of Team & Organizational Performance Improvement, including:

  • Human Fallibility

  • The REPS Dilemma- HOW to transform the dysfunction of conflicting priorities and agendas into a culture functioning as one team with one goal having one conversation

  • ​Understanding & Minimizing Organizational Setups for Mistakes (Traps, Roadblocks, & Landmines)

  • ​​The R-E-F Method for Achieving & Sustaining Zero Events

  • HOW to Grow Relationships and Ownership while Engaging & Aligning individual WHYs with Organizational WHYs using a Simple 'Recipe' for Honoring & Promoting Initiative & Accountability

  • Defense-in-Depth (including Simple Tools for Maximizing Behavioral Defenses)

  • ​​Moving From Learning Into Committed Peer-Reinforced Practice Through Creation of a Code of Honor

  • ​Understanding Your Sphere of Influence to Help Make Your Team, Organization, and Ultimately Our World BETTER & SAFER

Specific Case Studies and Examples are used so that you can see how all aspects of PPI synergize to generate long-term, sustainable, and continually improving WIN-WIN-WIN Outcomes and Results.

After participating in the PPI Certification SUMMIT, you'll have the awareness, the understanding, and the tools to effectively LEAD and INFLUENCE into the Future.

"This Course has presented me with the information and the tools I need to change lives in a massive way. This is going to be the next level for our company, not just safety, not just production, but for EVERYTHING.”

Lee Aumend

MS- Psychology

Reedy Creek

The PPI Certification SUMMIT offers your BEST and QUICKEST pathway for achieving your PPS Certification.

Through your participation you will...

Learn directly from Tim Autrey, author of 6-Hour Safety Culture and 7 Natural Principles of Human Performance
and creator of Principle-Based Performance Improvement™.

And through your active participation and follow-through you will become a Principle-Based Performance Improvement Specialist who can confidently:

  • IDENTIFY work climate, environment, and cultural issues and know HOW to address them

  • INFLUENCE & INSPIRE A-Players, B-Players, and C-Players alike

  • CREATE a Performance Improvement Strategy and Plan from A-Z for your Team and entire Organization

  • DEVELOP metrics that provide proactive forward-looking insight (rather than historical perspective)

  • LEAD a Team of Performance Improvement Professionals with synchronized & synergized roles

  • COLLABORATE with colleagues & your Leadership Team to craft & deploy a cohesive improvement plan

Principle-Based Performance Specialist (PPS) Certification is your personal & professional competitive edge, opening doorways to bigger & better performance and opportunities.

You will KNOW precisely HOW to implement your newly-honed skills into your existing role(s) and beyond.

What is a PPI Certification?

PPI Certifications tell the world that you UNDERSTAND

and can APPLY Principle-Based strategies to propel the

Performance of any Team, Business, or Organization.

Top-To-Bottom Insight

Proven Strategies & Playbooks

World-Class Instructor/Mentor

Resume-Worthy Achievements

Next Summit will be held

30 March - 04 April 2025.

Raleigh, NC

Registering 3 or More?

Is your organization sending

3 or more participants?

Register 3 for the price of 2!!!

Student or Non-Profit?

Students and representatives

from not-for-profit organizations

are eligible for

50% scholarships!

Course Details

The PPI Certification SUMMIT encompasses the FULL Principle-Based LEADERSHIP™ curriculum PLUS Deeper-Dive Insights & Strategies to help you become a Subject Matter Expert (SME) in Principle-Based Performance Improvement™.

In this week-long SUMMIT, you'll learn the foundation of PPI's curriculum

and have the opportunity to get CERTIFIED as a Principle-Based Performance Specialist (PPS)

Summit Schedule

Sunday-March 30

6:30 PM - Registration

7:00 PM - PPI Night at the Movies

We'll be ENJOYING popcorn, confectionaries, and beverages while we watch a compilation of three recent Hollywood Hit movies on the BIG SCREEN. We'll be watching for the Human & Organizational Performance Setups, Conditions, & Challenges involved with the real events portrayed in the films.

As part of our Monday Morning Session, we'll discuss our perceptions of the Good, the Bad, and the UGLY in the incidents portrayed in the films.

Monday-March 31

8:00 AM - Registration (if required)

8:30 AM to ~ 3:30 PM - Principle-Based SME MasterClass with Tim Autrey

Tuesday-April 1

8:30 AM to ~ 3:30 PM - Principle-Based SME MasterClass with Tim Autrey

Wednesday-April 2

8:30 AM to ~ 3:30 PM - Principle-Based SME MasterClass with Tim Autrey

Thursday-April 3

8:30 AM to ~ 3:30 PM - Principle-Based SME MasterClass with Tim Autrey

Friday-April 4

8:30 AM to ~ 3:30 PM - Principle-Based SME MasterClass with Tim Autrey

Note: Lunch is provided daily

Venue Information

Our Next SUMMIT is Scheduled

for March 30-April 4, 2025

in Raleigh, NC

(hotel info will be provided upon registration)

What if Your Plans Change?

If you notify us 30 or more days before the start of the SUMMIT, we will offer you either a full refund (minus 10% for processing fees), or credit toward an upcoming course of equal or lesser value. If you notify us within 30 days the start of the SUMMIT, we will issue you a credit for an upcoming course of equal or lesser value.

Human Performance

Certification SUMMIT Preview

Catch a glimpse of what the PPI Certification SUMMIT looks like

& how prior graduates FEEL about their experiences...

When You Register Today,

You'll Get Instant Access

to One-Year PPI Lab


Your Portal to all PPI Lab Tools & Resources including your Success Path, Team Briefings, Team Exercises, Self-Assessments, Leadership & Metrics Development Worksheets, monthly AMA (Ask Me Anything) sessions, and direct access to Tim Autrey.

Retail Value: $2790 (INCLUDED)