WAY beyond
conventional observation & coaching...
A responsibility of any leader or supervisor is to observe team member job performance and provide appropriate feedback.
Unfortunately, most leaders and supervisors aren't naturally good at doing so.
Principle-Based Mentoring™ is a simple yet incredibly powerful method for observing work in progress, engaging team members, and providing feedback.
Interactions serve to align individual whys with organizational whys to help grow a work environment of one team with one goal having one conversation.
We exist to help you make our world better and safer through your workplace. If you're new to Principle-Based Performance Improvement™, we recommend you begin here:
Tim Autrey's international bestseller, which tells thPPI GLOBAL BOOKSe PPI story- how it developed, how it works, and how to use Principle-Based insights, strategies, and tools to rapidly improve performance & transform culture.
Tim Autrey's next book, detailing the AI-validated discovery of the 7 Principles underlying team member choices, actions, and behaviors- your pathway to sustainable Performance Improvement.
2780 South Jones Blvd. Suite 3722
Las Vegas, NV 89146
Phone: +1 (702) 331-8391
Email: clientcare@ppiweb.com