Leadership Into Action...
Your Front-Line Supervisors are your linchpins.
They’re the conduits for how well vision and energy from the top translates into the ways team members do what they do on the frontline.
The thing is- as workforce demographics continue to evolve, supervisors are facing a unique set of challenges…including generational differences and more-rapid-than-ever tech advancements, as well as changing social dynamics and expectations.
Are your supervisors up for the challenge?
Quite honestly, your present and future performance rests upon the answer to that question...
Founder of PPI, Tim Autrey has dedicated his professional life to helping make our world BETTER and SAFER by helping others focus on the core of sustainable improvement.
If you're new to Principle-Based Performance Improvement™, Tim's books offer a great beginning to your journey...
2780 South Jones Blvd. Suite 3722
Las Vegas, NV 89146
Phone: +1 (702) 331-8391
Email: clientcare@ppiweb.com